The final circular has been issued for the 1st International Workshop on Antarctic Permafrost, Periglacial Processes and Soils (ANTPAS), taking place in Varese, Italy on 4-5 October 2017. The title of the workshop is “From an Expert Group to a Research Program” and aims to be the starting point for a tentative new SCAR multidisciplinary research programme focusing on a holistic approach to the changing Antarctic permafrost systems.
The workshop will mainly focus on the main SCAR Horizon Scan questions and the future hot scientific topics concerning the permafrost environment in Antarctica. For the past 20 years, research has mainly focused on the thermal state of permafrost and the active layer, periglacial processes and landforms and cryosoils. However, recently the community is becoming multidisciplinary, with research more focused on terrestrial ecosystem dynamics under a changing climate. Simultaneously, the links between ecosystem and permafrost scientists have become stronger and more collaborative.
The final circular has the finalised programme and information on the venue, lodging, registration and travel.