SCAR was a key player in the formation of the CAMLR Convention, providing the scientific basis and support for a convention that manages marine systems in the Southern Ocean. Today, SCAR’s mission is to advance international research in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean across a range of disciplines, and to provide independent and objective scientific advice and information to the Antarctic Treaty System, including to CCAMLR.
This year, SCAR presented a range of new scientific advances at the CAMLR Convention meetings in Hobart, Australia, contributed to the development of CCAMLR’s climate change response work plan, and presented information on SCAR’s newly formed Krill Action Group which will help foster liaison between CCAMLR and the broader krill research community.
Representing SCAR at this year’s Commission meeting were Dr Cassandra Brooks (USA) and Associate Professor Mary-Anne Lea (Australia). Given the discussions within CCAMLR at this year’s meeting regarding the need for more gender balance at CCAMLR, SCAR was pleased to be represented at the Commission by two exceptional EMCR women – a first for SCAR’s delegations to Antarctic Treaty System bodies.