First Circular: 5th International ANGWIN Workshop

Thursday, May 19th, 2022

The Antarctic Gravity Wave Instrument Workshop (ANGWIN) is a highly successful grassroots program that was started in 2011. ANGWIN aims to use the network of instrumentation at international research stations covering Antarctica with the primary research goal if quantifying and understanding the dominant sources, propagation and impact of a broad spectrum of gravity waves on a contintental-wide scale.

This workshop will bring together new maesurements and modelling studies of gravity waves in both the Antarctic and Arctic to gain new insights into their large-scale effects on circulation and vertical couling through the polar regions’ lower. middle and upper atmosphere and ionosphere.

More detailed information abuot registration and financial support will be provided in later correspondence. Any queries schould be addressed to the chair of the Local Organising Committee: Geonhwa Jee.

Location: Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI), Icheon, Korea
Dates: 5th – 7th Oct. 2022

Local Organising Committee:
Geonha Jee (Chair), Jeong-Han Kim, Changsup Lee (KOPRI),  In-Su Song (Yonsei University)

Scientific Oranizing Committee:
Mike J. Tayler, Yucheng Zhao, Dominique Pautet (Utah State University), Takuji Nakamura, Mitsumu K. Ejiri (National Institute of Polar Research, Jaoan), Tracy-Moffat Griffin (British Antarctic Survey), Damian Murphy (Australien Antarctic Division), Jose Valentin Begston, Cristiano Wrasse (National INstitute for Space Research, Brazil), Geonhwa Jee, Jeong-Han Kim (KOPRI).

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