SCAR announces 2023 Visiting Scholar

SCAR is pleased to announce the award of the 2023 Visiting Scholarship to Dr Eija Asmi (Finland).

Dr Asmi will visit the Argentina National Meteorological Service (SMN) in Buenos Aires and Ushuaia for her project titled “Southern Ocean-Atmosphere linkages at the Antarctic Peninsula”. The main components of the visit will be both technical and public workshops along with hands-on training with local scientists and technicians and the opportunity to identify new topics for joint Antarctic research for both masters and doctoral students.

For this round of the Visiting Scholar scheme we received 11 applications. The Visiting Scholarship scheme is directed at scientists and academics, more than five years after completing their PhD, whose work contributes to the research objectives of SCAR. It offers them opportunity to undertake a short-term visit to another SCAR member country to provide or receive training or mentoring. The ultimate goal is to promote capacity building in the host and home countries, and to develop long-term links and partnerships, leading to advances in Antarctic research.

Details of the previous Visiting Scholars can be found on the SCAR Visiting Scholar webpages.

Applications for the 2024 Visiting Scholarships will open later in 2024.

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