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CECs in Polar Environments at the 53rd IUPAC General Assembly
Chemical of Emerging Concern (CECs) in Polar Environments
The polar regions, often regarded as the last pristine frontiers on Earth, are increasingly becoming sinks for various chemicals of emerging concern (CECs). These substances, including pharmaceuticals, personal care products, poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), industrial chemicals, and microplastics, are transported to the Arctic and Antarctic through complex atmospheric and oceanic pathways. This symposium will explore the latest research on the presence, regulation, monitoring, distribution, and impacts of CECs in polar environments, as well as the methodologies used for their monitoring in remote and harsh conditions. We cordially invite abstracts for oral and poster presentations for this symposium. The organizing team looks forward to presenting new findings and discussing all aspects of this highly relevant topic with students and experts from academia, research, and decision-making institutions.
Deadline for submission of abstracts extended to March 28th, 2025
For details on the symposium, please refer to the official conference web-page: