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2nd Kobe PCRC/KOPRI Antarctic Governance Workshop (hybrid)
The second Antarctic governance workshop co-organised by Kobe University Polar Cooperation Research Centre (PCRC) and Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) will be held on January 18, 2025 in Kobe, Japan.
Check the dedicated website below for the venue, draft programme and registration information. Guest speakers include Ambassador Kazuhiko Nakamura from Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Kees Bastmeijier from the Netherlands, Ms Natasha Gardiner from New Zealand, Prof. Li Chen from China, and Prof. Jeff McGee from Tasmania.
As Japan prepares to host the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) in May 2026 in Hiroshima, the diplomats, delegates and academia gather again in Kobe, Japan, to reconsider how to maintain the Antarctica as “the natural reserve devoted to peace and science”.
Kobe PCRC is also inviting one early to mid-career scholar to engage in this workshop, with full or partial funding (depending on the departing city) for travel and accommodation expenses. The applicant should contact the Workshop secretariat by noon (JST), December 20 (Fri), 2024, with a short CV and one page explanation on how she/he can contribute to the topics to be discussed in the workshop. The successful applicant will be informed at the latest by December 27 and must be able to prepare to travel to Kobe, according to the schedule and flights determined by Kobe PCRC.