Mikå Mered
Ecole des Relations Internationales Paris (ILERI) and NEOMA Business School
Mikå Mered is a professor of Arctic and Antarctic geopolitics at the ILERI School of International Relations (Paris, France) where he also serves as head of the graduate degree program in International Project Management specialized in Overseas France Environmental International
Cooperation. He is also an adjunct lecturer in geopolitics and international relations at NEOMA business school (Rouen, France), external expert on the Arctic to the European commission, administrator and lead expert on Arctic affairs at the Sefacil Foundation, and president of the French
Polar Cluster — a non-profit network gathering industry leaders, elected officials, diplomats and researchers aimed at sharing innovative solutions and best practices to best protect the Polar regions.
Mikå’s research is dedicated to the evolution of Polar governance, industrial development from a macroeconomic approach, and the political narratives driving new market dynamics and (re-)emerging security challenges in the Polar regions. He particularly focuses on the maritime, lowcarbon energy (LNG, renewables, hydrogen) and space sectors. In 2019, he has published his first book: “Les Mondes Polaires” (French University Press, 528 pages).
Research projects / interests:
- Antarctic geo-economics: market and policy forecasting (energy, mining, tourism and infrastructure)
- The Antarctic continent-sea-space security continuum
- Antarctic governance and territorial claims
- Formal/informal law-making, soft law and the influence of lobbies
Keywords: Geo-economics, market analysis and forecasting, security, geopolitics, governance, influence of lobbies.
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