Keywords: Community ecology, trophic markers, ecological interactions, benthos.

Loïc N. Michel
Ifremer Brittany, FR
Loïc N. Michel is a tenured research scientist at the deep-sea laboratory of Ifremer Brittany (Brest, FR) since 2017. He holds a PhD in biology of organisms and ecology from University of Liège (BE, 2011).
His research focuses on how food web structure and trophic interactions influence ecosystem functioning and biodiversity. He is also interested in how natural or anthropogenic environmental variations impact animal feeding, and how ecological plasticity mediates marine consumers’ response to change.
He mostly tackles those issues by using polar and deep-sea benthic invertebrates as ecological models, and trophic markers, notably stable isotopes, as methodological tools.
Current research projects / interests:
- Food webs;
- Functional ecology;
- Anthropogenic impacts;
- Global change;
- Invertebrate zoology.
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