Keywords: Benthic, Deep Sea, Biogeography, Ice Shelves, Ecology

Huw Griffiths
British Antarctic Survey
I am a marine biogeographer with an interest in the Polar Regions and completed a PhD in Southern Ocean marine biogeography with the British Antarctic Survey and Open University. I mostly study the animals that live at the bottom of the sea around Antarctica and the Arctic. I also study the potential effects of marine protected areas, climate change, human impacts and pollution on these unique ecosystems. I have worked for the British Antarctic Survey since the year 2000 and have participated in several expeditions to Antarctica and the Arctic, studying everything from the intertidal to the deep sea.
Current research projects / interests:
- Benthic biodiversity, biogeography and ecology.
- Life under ice shelves.
- Human impacts and climate change.
- Connections between Antarctica and the world.
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