SCAR Reports and Bulletins

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SCAR Bulletins

ISSN 1998-0337

The SCAR Bulletin is issued around two or three times a year and reports on SCAR meetings and SCAR's involvement in the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings and other major activities. 

Note: The bulletin titles include the main subject of the Bulletin. Other content is listed in more detail once the title is clicked on.

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pdf SCAR Bulletin 150 - 2003 July - Measures, Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the Twenty-fifth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 2002 ( pdf, 2.66 MB ) (906 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 149 - 2003 April - Report of the XXVII Meeting of SCAR Delegates, Shanghai, China, 2002 ( pdf, 808 KB ) (1120 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 148 - 2003 January - Twenty-fifth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 2002 ( pdf, 752 KB ) (806 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 147 - 2002 October - Twenty-seventh Meeting of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Shanghai, China, 2002 ( pdf, 494 KB ) (1024 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 146 - 2002 July - Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level (ISMASS): Brief Report of a Workshop ( pdf, 439 KB ) (778 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 145 - 2002 April - SCAR Executive Committee Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2001 ( pdf, 499 KB ) (965 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 144 - 2002 January - Measures, Decisions, and Resolutions adopted at the XII Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting and the XXIV Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting ( pdf, 833 KB ) (795 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 143 - 2001 October - Measures, Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the XII Special Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, the Hague, the Netherlands, 2000 ( pdf, 753 KB ) (798 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 142 - 2001 July - Summary Reports to XXVI SCAR, Tokyo, Japan, 2000 ( pdf, 881 KB ) (939 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 141 - 2001 April - Twenty-sixth Meeting of SCAR, Tokyo, Japan, 2000 ( pdf, 1010 KB ) (976 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 140 - 2001 January - Measures, Decisions, and Resolutions adopted at the XII Antarctic Treaty Special Consultative Meeting, the Hague, the Netherlands, 2000 ( pdf, 540 KB ) (823 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 139 - 2000 October - Stations of SCAR Nations operating in the Antarctic, Winter 2000 ( pdf, 615 KB ) (910 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 138 - 2000 July - Article: Life under the Ice and the Climatic Evolution of Antarctica ( pdf ) (1 download)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 137 - 2000 April - Meeting of SCAR Executive Committee, Goa, India, 1999 ( pdf, 958 KB ) (840 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 136 - 2000 January - Measures, Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the 23rd ATCM, Lima, Peru, 1999 ( pdf, 958 KB ) (739 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 135 - 1999 October - Summary Reports to 25th SCAR, Concepción, Chile, 1998 ( pdf, 981 KB ) (776 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 134 - 1999 July - Summary Reports to 25th SCAR, Concepción, Chile, 1998 ( pdf, 977 KB ) (739 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 133 - 1999 April - 25th Meeting of SCAR, Concepción, Chile, 1998 ( pdf, 935 KB ) (971 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 132 - 1999 January - 22nd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Tromsø, Norway, 1998 ( pdf, 875 KB ) (792 downloads)
pdf SCAR Bulletin 131 - 1998 October - Decisions, Resolutions and Measures adopted at the 22nd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Tromsø, Norway, 1998 ( pdf, 855 KB ) (717 downloads)

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