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  3. ATCM XXXIX and CEP XIX 2016, Santiago, Chile

Folder ATCM XXXIX and CEP XIX 2016, Santiago, Chile

Folder SCAR Lecture 2016: Exploring the Future of Scientific Research in Antarctica  (1)
Select Toggle Title Date
pdf Overview of SCAR Papers Submitted to ATCM XXXIX and CEP XIX 2016 ( pdf, 167 KB ) (1599 downloads)
pdf WP010: Antarctic Environments Portal ( pdf, 184 KB ) (1532 downloads)
pdf WP023: SCAR Code of Conduct for Activity within Terrestrial Geothermal Environments in Antarctica ( pdf, 143 KB ) (1611 downloads)
pdf ATT018 to WP023: SCAR Code of Conduct for Activity within Terrestrial Geothermal Environments in Antarctica ( pdf, 153 KB ) (1525 downloads)
pdf IP020: SCAR Annual Report 2015/16 to the Antarctic Treaty System ( pdf, 190 KB ) (1546 downloads)
pdf IP031: Antarctic Geoconservation: a Review of Current Systems and Practices ( pdf, 152 KB ) (1910 downloads)
pdf ATT042 to IP031: Antarctic Geoconservation: A Review of Current Systems and Practices (Attachment) ( pdf, 636 KB ) (1771 downloads)
pdf IP032: Report on the 2015-2016 Activities of the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) ( pdf, 174 KB ) (1659 downloads)
pdf IP034: The Antarctic Observing Network (AntON) to Facilitate Weather and Climate Information ( pdf, 420 KB ) (2321 downloads)
pdf IP035: Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment – 2016 Update ( pdf, 243 KB ) (1927 downloads)
pdf IP038: Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the context of the Strategic Plan on Biodiversity 2011-2020 ( pdf, 157 KB ) (1536 downloads)
pdf ATT045 to IP038: Aichi Targets ( pdf, 110 KB ) (1509 downloads)
pdf BP002: The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Selected Science Highlights for 2015/16 ( pdf, 271 KB ) (1548 downloads)
pdf BP003: Abstract of the SCAR Lecture: Exploring the Future of Scientific Research in Antarctica ( pdf, 121 KB ) (1520 downloads)

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