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Upcoming workshop on microbial/parasite impacts on Antarctic wildlife

A workshop about microbial/parasite impacts on Antarctic wildlife will take …


IBCSO Poster at 2015 ISAES XXII available

A poster presentation on the status of the project was …


Call for Papers for 2015 Joint Workshop

We are seeking paper proposals for a joint workshop of …


Science Communication Poster Prize

Congratulations to HASSEG member Gabriela Roldan, from the University of …


2015 SCAGI Meeting in Brussels, Belgium

SCAGI met on 15 June 2015 in Brussels (Belgium). We …


Brief report on joint EGBAMM/EG-ABI Workshop on RAATD

The joint EG-ABI / EG-BAMM workshop on the RAATD project …


Call for Workshop Interest at 2015 ISAES Goa

ADMAP will hold a one-day workshop in connection with the …


Brief report on second RAATD workshop and future funding.

NEWS1  The second RAATD meeting took place at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg …


SCADM 2015 Annual meeting in conjunction with 2nd Polar Data Forum

26 October – 30 October 2015University of Waterloo, Canada The …

SCAR News|

Communicating Antarctic Science

19 December 2014: SCAR is always seeking new and innovative …

SCAR News|

2014 SCAR Visiting Professor Awards

17 December 2014: SCAR initiated the Visiting Professor Scheme in …


AntVolc Events

FUTURE EVENTS  EGU 2018, Vienna, 8-13 April 2018 Recommended session: …

SCAR News|

WCRP Polar Challenge

10 December 2014: The World Climate Research Program (WCRP) is …

SCAR News|

Bringing up the problem of ice shelf melting

10 December 2014: Warm water intruding from below is heating …

SCAR News|

Comet dust found in Antarctica

10 December 2014: Researchers have discovered comet dust preserved in …

SCAR News|

Rover disguised as penguin chick does research better than scientists

10 December 2014: For decades, humans have built rovers to …

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