Educational Resources

One of SCAR’s primary goals is “to communicate scientific information about the Antarctic region to the public.”  Communication is essential in all aspects of SCAR’s work, to ensure that scientists, policymakers and decision makers understand the significance and value of SCAR’s activities and are willing to support them.  SCAR also aims to inform the wider public about Antarctic issues.

As part of our efforts we share educational resources to help scientists and educators communicate topics related to Antarctica. Many of these activities come from our scientific community and from our partner, Polar Educators International. If you have a resource you would like us to share, please contact the SCAR Secretariat.

Links to websites with educational resources can be found in Frequently Asked Questions.

Resources Produced by SCAR


The SCAR film “Peace and Science” gives an insight into the important work of SCAR, and specifically its three Scientific Research Programmes (SRP), and the vital scientific questions they address. Produced and directed by John Weller.

The SCAR Animation “Our future depends on us: Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment” summarises key messages from our report “The Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment: A Decadal Synopsis and Recommendations for Action” (ACCE Report). The full report and an accompanying infographic are available via the SCAR Library.

The former Scientific Research Programme Past Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics (PAIS) created two videos highlighting the aims and achievements of the programme. PAIS provided geological and ice core evidence of Antarctic Ice Sheet response to a broad range of past climatic and oceanic conditions.

Resources from partners and other organisations

Podcasts and Audio
Tools for Educators