Masaru Kogure
Home: National Institute of Polar Research, Japan
Host: Hampton University, US
Impact of change in Antarctic gravity waves due to climate change on the atmosphere
Jackson Chu
Home: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Host: British Antarctic Survey, UK
Sarah Jackson
Home: The Australian National University, Australia
Host: British Antarctic Survey/Cambridge University, UK
Development of the 17O-excess paleoproxy: insights from a high-resolution Antarctic Peninsula core
Andrew Corso
Home: Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences, US
Host: CCAMLR, Australia
A larval fish bycatch guide for the Antarctic krill fishery
Kimberlee Baldry
Home: Institute of Marine Science and Antarctic Studies, Australia
Host: Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, France
The improvement of Biogeochemical Argo chlorophyll-a concentration data for large-scale studies of Southern Ocean phytoplankton
Martina Mascioni
Home: Department of Phycology, University of La Plata, Argentina
Host: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, US
Diversity of bloom-forming phytoplankton species in Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) nearshore waters
Mia Wege
Home: Mammal Research Institute, South Africa
Host: Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, Australia
Long-term foraging strategies and their consequences to Antarctic fur seals
Mariia Pavlovska
Home: State Institution National Antarctic Scientific Center, Ukraine
Host: Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Germany
Exploring the interplay of Antarctic bacterioplankton and phytoplankton by integration of biodiversity, contextual, and OMICS data
2018 Fellows
Lettie Roach
Home: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Host: University of North Carolina, USA
The influence of nonlinear physical processes on the seasonal cycle of Antarctic sea ice
Pamela Santibáñez
Home: Instituto Antartico Chileno, Chile
Host: Desert Research Institute, USA
Microbes within deep ice cores: Unravelling the microbial responses to climatic and ecosystem processes
Abhilash Nair
Home: National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, India
Host: GNS Science, New Zealand
Pleistocene-Holocene variability in ACC strength and Agulhas leakage intensity
Bruno Fusaro
Home: Instituto Antártico Argentino, Argentina
Host: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Spain
Molecular and epidemiological diagnosis of parasitic diseases in Pygoscelid penguins in the content of global climate change
2018 Prince Albert II of Monaco Fellowship
Mónica Luján Remedios-De León
Home: University of the Republic, Uruguay
Host: The British Antarctica Survey, UK
Development of a non-native species management plan: Development of a non-native species management plan: Trichocera maculipennis (Meigen, 1818) (Diptera: Trichoceridae) on King George Island, South Shetland Islands (Meigen, 1818) (Diptera: Trichoceridae) on King George Island, South Shetland Islands
2017 Fellows
Leena Riekkola
Home: University of Auckland, New Zealand
Host: Marine Mammal Laboratory, NOAA, USA
Spatial analysis of humpback whale behaviour and habitat use patterns in Antarctica.
Julie Janssens
Home: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, Australia
Host: Laboratoire d’Océanographie et du Climat: Expérimentations et Approches Numériques (LOCEAN), France
Representation of iron in a sea-ice biogeochemical model.
Hanne Nielsen
Home: University of Tasmania, Australia
Host: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Framing Antarctica as Fragile: Tracing the evolution of media narratives about the far south (1945 – 2015).
Antonio Aguera Garcia
Home: Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Host: University of Otago, New Zealand
Transgenerational Plasticity (TGP) and acclimation in a keystone Polar Invertebrate in response to a warmer more acidic Antarctic.
Filip Hrbáček
Home: Department of Geography, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Host: Insubria University, Italy
Effect of vegetation cover on active layer thermal regime in climatically contrasted environments of Antarctica.
2017 Prince Albert II of Monaco Fellowship
Shramik Patil
Home: The National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR), India
Host: UPMC-CNRS Station Biologique de Roscoff, France
Response of Southern Indian Ocean coccolithophores to climate change: evidence from laboratory culture experiments.
2016 Fellows
Lavenia Ratnarajah
Home: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Australia
Host: Laboratoire d’Océanographie Microbienne, France
Effects of natural iron fertilisation by baleen whales on the microbial community in the Southern Ocean
Jilda Caccavo
Home: University of Padua, Italy
Host: Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, France
Trophic dynamics and nutritional condition of Pleuragramma antarctica in the Weddell Sea, as related to population genetic structure
Ryan Reisinger
Home: Zoology Department, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa
Host: Australian Antarctic Division
Marine Top Predator Habitat Use around the Sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands
2016 Prince Albert II of Monaco Fellowship
Graeme Clark
Home: The University of New South Wales, Australia
Host: McGill University, Canada
The final frontier: protecting Antarctica from invasive species
2015 Fellows
Christine Dow
Home: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
Host: Australian Antarctic Division
Analysis of Antarctic subglacial hydrological development in Aurora Basin using aerogeophysical data and numerical modeling
Jennifer Newall
Home: University of Stockholm, Sweden
Host: Bremen University, Germany
MAGIC-DML – integrating ice sheet modeling and field studies
Sebastian Rosier
Home: British Antarctic Survey, UK
Host: Gateway Antarctica, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Satellite observation and model intercomparison of tidal processes in ice-sheet grounding zones
2015 Prince Albert II of Monaco Fellowship
Rowan Trebilco
Home: ACE-CRC, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Host: (1) Collecte Localisation Satellite, Ramonville-Saint-Agne and (2) Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France
New models for understanding the role of mesopelagic fishes and squid in Southern Ocean ecosystems
SCAR-COMNAP Combined Fellowship
Inka Koch
Home: University of Otago, New Zealand
Host: University of Texas Institute of Geophysics, USA
Detecting marine ice internal layers and thickness in an Antarctic ice shelf with airborne ice penetrating radar