Standing Committees handle ongoing business of a permanent nature to help SCAR fulfil its mission. Rules on membership of the committees and the governance of them are included in SCAR’s Rules of Procedure for Subsidiary Bodies.

Standing Committees
There are currently five Standing Committees:
The Standing Committee on Antarctic Data Management (SCADM) is responsible for fostering the development and maintenance of an Antarctic Data Management System (ADMS). It facilitates the free and open exchange of Antarctic research data.
The Standing Committee on Antarctic Geographic Information (SCAGI) delivers a range of up-to-date geographic information products through its various projects and provides advice and information to SCAR relating to geographic information. It facilitates the free and open exchange of geographic data.
The Standing Committee on the Antarctic Treaty System (SCATS) provides advice and information to SCAR in relation to the Antarctic Treaty System and other policy bodies such as CCAMLR.
The Standing Committee on Finance (SC-Finance) advises SCAR’s Executive Committee and the SCAR Delegates Meeting on all financial matters. It is led by the Vice President for Finance.
The Standing Committee on the Humanities and Social Sciences (SC-HASS) initiates, develops and coordinates rigorous and high quality international research on the Antarctic region within the Humanities and Social Sciences.