Requests for Video clips of Antarctic fieldwork for SCAR Biology symposium

Friday, June 16th, 2017

SCAR Bio Symp 2017 logoDo you have a great clip (about 2-3 minutes) that shows the fieldwork you do in the Antarctic and the biodiversity you can find there?

In order to make the upcoming XIIth SCAR Biology symposium, July 10-14, a bit more interesting the organisers are gathering clips that will be shown during the conference. They are looking for high resolution clips of at least high definition resolution (1920 × 1080). If you have suitable clips you are happy to share please get in touch with Anton van de Putte.

Please include the following information: Copyright holder (person, institute); Expedition: e.g. SO-AntEco, ACE, etc.; Location of the clip; What is seen on the clip (Ice station, benthic communities, etc.); Any restrictions on the use. If you do not provide any it will be assumed the material can be shared (but always mentioning the copyright holder); If you send a clip, make sure you have the rights to distribute the clip.

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