Community Review of Southern Ocean Satellite Requirements Published

Wednesday, December 7th, 2016

1 Satellite phytoplankton7 December 2016:

A community review paper, which highlights the current priority satellite data requirements of the Southern Ocean research and logistics community, has just been published. The report is sponsored by SOOS (the Southern Ocean Observing System), CliC (The Climate and Cryosphere project) and SCAR, and is published as an open-access article in the journal Antarctic Science.

Work on this review began back in 2014 as a joint initiative of SOOS, CliC and the World Meteorological Organization Polar Space Task Group (WMO PSTG). The aim was to identify the satellite data requirements for the Southern Ocean and compile this information into a community report of Southern Ocean satellite data requirements. Southern Ocean data users were invited to take part in a survey to voice their needs and provide feedback on data streams, access and validation issues and to point out where gaps in data existed. The survey was followed by extensive community input and review.  The result was this publication.

Access the full journal article on the Antarctic Science website.

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