Plastic-AG Infographic Competition

Competition: design an infographic describing plastic pollution in polar regions

NEW! Competition open to all ECRs (Master/PhD student or Postdoctorate researcher within 5 years of completion of their PhD)

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The SCAR Plastic Action Group (Plastic-AG) announces a competition for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) to create an infographic describing plastic pollution in polar regions. The infographic should synthetise available scientific literature and visualize data about plastic pollution in polar regions (in the Arctic and/or Antarctica), including micro- and nanoplastics, to represent the latest advancements in polar research, including key concerns for polar ecosystems.

The competition is open from the 9th February to the 15th June 2024. The prize for the winner is a 400 USD ($) voucher to support the winner in attending the upcoming  SCAR Open Science Conference “Antarctic Science: Crossroads for a New Hope”, which will be held in Pucón, Chile from 19-23 August 2024. Alternatively, with the agreement of the PLASTIC-AG steering committee, the winner may use the prize to attend another relevant conference in the field of the environment and polar regions.

To enter the competition, send a single infographic file (TIFF or JPEG format, Maximum A4 size i.e. 210 x 297mm, < 50 MB) to [email protected]. Please name your file using the convention: PlasticAG_Infographic_name_surname. In addition, entrants must provide proof of their ECR status with their submission (e.g., Master/PhD student or Postdoctorate researcher within 5 years of completion of their PhD).

All submissions will be evaluated by the SCAR PLASTIC-AG steering committee based on their scientific relevance, creativity, originality, and design, with the winner announced by 25th June 2024.

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