Emmanuelle Sultan

Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle

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As a physical oceanographer, my research work focused mainly on the study of the Southern Ocean and the abiotic environment of the East Antarctic ecosystem from 1994 to 2013 from top to bottom, with a strong interdisciplinary and field dimension. The diagnostic of the global change and its impact plus the consequences of the collapse of the Mertz Glacier Tongue in 2010 brings to light a reflexive approach on my starting discipline. Indeed my experience from the Antarctic opened new research opportunities and helped raise more (research) questions regarding the human presence/absence in this remote continent devoted by an international treaty to peace and science. My experience of outreach and education initiates a new interest in educational science, citizen science and research action participation used to question empowerment and engagement.

  • Research projects / interests:
    • Autour Des Mers Australes– Around the Southern Seas: an interdisciplinarity research project linking Science, Education, Humanities and Arts

Keywords: Humanities, interdisciplinarity, education, Southern Ocean

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